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Jubaer Talukder X Samsung

Project: Crystal UHD TV

Project type: Video

No of videos: 1

Video duration: 7-10 minutes

Platform: YouTube & Facebook

On the event of the world cup 2022 Samsung introduced their big screen televisions. In order to make the features of these televisions easily understandable to mass audience Samsung collaborated with me to make a content. Challenges? I needed to make something that's interesting yet enjoyable.

I made a content covering all the aspect of usage from my point of view, as a creator. In the content, I touched all the areas that can be utilized from a creator's perspective. Starting with the obvious, the viewing experience, specially watching football matches on it. Then I moved on to other interesting aspects that the viewers might be interested in. I used it as a digital backdrop, a monitor for my PC etc. And finally shared my thoughts on the big 75" television screen.

Samsung Photowalk
Samsung PW 13.jpg

Project: Galaxy S22 Ultra  &                     Galaxy S21 FE

Project type: Photography

No of photos: 16

Platform: Facebook & Instagram

Samsung wanted to show the photography capability of their flagship phones, the Galaxy S22 Ultra and Galaxy S21 FE. They reached out for a photography project and I gladly got onboard. 

Using the phones I took a series of 16 photos in various places in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. In this project, I took different photos using the unique features of the phones and showcased the results. I also used them in different lighting condition and pushed the limits. Seeing the photos the audience can easily understand the capabilities of taking photos using the two devices

Galaxy S21 FE Unboxing Final.00_00_17_06.Still003.jpg

Project: Galaxy S21 FE Unboxing

Project type: Stopmotion

No of videos: 1

Platform: Instagram

Samsung wanted to make an unboxing video of their newly released Galaxy S21 FE. But they wanted to make something interesting at the same time.

I collaborated with them and made a unboxing stop motion video. The video was short and the visuals were very interesting. We were able to showcase 

Project: Galaxy A52S 5G 

Project type: Video

No of videos: 1

Video duration: 7-10 minutes

Platform: YouTube & Facebook

Samsung wanted to make a content showing the video capability of their mid range phone Galaxy A52S 5G. They wanted to promote this phone as a go to video device for the new content creators. 

I made an entire vlogging video showcasing different features of the phone's camera. Watching the content, the audience got a clear idea about the video performance of the Galaxy A52S 5G.

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